Welcome to the Walkthrough of Pokemon Black and Pokemon White's tutorial.

Introduction to the project

This walkthrough will cover Pokemon Black and White gameplay from starting the game through Accumula Town. The goal of this walkthrough is to provide players with details on how to navigate through the tutorial of Pokemon Black and White, as well as provide descriptive text to each scene happening on the screen. If you are playing Pokemon generations 1 through 3, the Pokemon Access Mod may be a good option for you! It is a mod that adds screen reader capabilities, radar, and other features. The link is here: Pokemon Access mod

Setting up the game

Before entering gameplay, you will be selecting your gender, inputting your name, and be introduced some characters and cutscenes. If you do not care about these things, keep clicking the "A" button until you hear the music shift to a slow piano like melody. Then, skip to heading 2, "Gameplay" of this website.

Intro Cutscene

The intro cutscene has minor spoilers. You can click start or the A button at any point in the cutscene to skip the cutscene. The cutscene starts as the camera zooms into a castle. From there the scene transitions to a man with long green hair wearing somewhat royal and religious looking robes holding a crown. He is approaching a throne as other elderly men watch. A younger man with green hair approaches the throne before closing his eyes. The scene changes to show an image of the younger green haired man as a child, with 3 Pokemon. A Darmanitan, which is a large red Gorilla Pokemon; a Zorua, which is a small black fox Pokemon; and and Woobat, which is a small, fluffy bat Pokemon. The scene returns to the two adult men with green hair. The older one is lowering a crown onto the younger one's head. Once you hear the music change to the familiar Pokemon theme, the scene has changed to showcase gameplay.

Title Screen

After the music shifts once more, you are now on the title screen of the game which features the legendary Pokemon of the game. If you are playing Pokemon Black, it is Reshiram, the white dragon. If you are playing Pokemon white, it is Zekrom, the black dragon. If you are playing a new copy of Pokemon Black or Pokemon White, you click A to be taken to the New Game Screen. You will hear the Pokemon roar before being taken to the next screen. If you are playing on a used copy of Pokemon Black or Pokemon White, you will need to delete your save data on this screen before starting a new game. If you do not delete the exisiting save first, you will not be able to save your new game. To delete your save file, press and hold the Up, Select, and B buttons. If you did this properly, the music will stop. Click "up" to select "yes." It will take you to another screen to confirm. Click "up" to select "yes" again. Now the save file is deleted. You can now click A to be taken to the New Game Screen.

Game Introduction

If you no longer hear any music and you heard the Pokemon roar, you are now on the new game screen. Click A to start a new game. You will hear new music begin. Professor Juniper is welcoming you to the world of Pokemon. Professor Juniper is a women with brown hair wearing a lab coat. When you click the "A" button you will hear a high pitched click noise. After clicking "A" 3 times, you will hear her throw a Pokeball and a Pokemon will cry out. Professor Juniper is now telling you that Pokemon come in many shapes and sizes and that humans and Pokemon live happily together. After clicking "A" 11 more times, you will hear an electronic swish sound. You are being shown the option to pick if you are a "boy" or "girl."

Selecting your Gender

There is no difference in gameplay if you are a boy or girl. If you click "A" you will be on the gender selection screen. You will be hovering over boy by default. If you click "right" you will be hoving over the girl. If you click "left" you will be hovering over the boy. Select your gender by clicking "A." Once you make your selection, you have to confirm by clicking "A" again.

Inputting your Name

After selecting your gender, if you click "A" two more times, you will be taken to your name screen. You can check if you are on this screen by clicking B. If you hear a small buzzer sound, you are on the name screen. Your name has no effect on gameplay. By default, you will be hovering over "A". The letters go in alphabetical order starting from left to right. If you click "right" 9 times, you will be hovering over "J". If you click "down" one time, you will be hovering over "K." If you click "down" 2 times you will be hovering over "U." You need to input a name to continue. Once you selected the letters, click "start" and click A. You will hear a confirmation sound. Keep clicking "A" until you hear the music shift. Once the music shifts to a piano like melody you are done setting up your game and will soon enter gameplay.


There are a few sounds to be aware of in Pokemon Black and White that will help you navigate the world. If you do not need this information skip to the next heading 3 section of this website. The "A" button makes a high pitched click sound. This sound occurs when you click "A" on something interactable. If you click "A" and the sound does not occur, that means there is nothing interactable near you. The "B" button makes a zip sound. The "B" button brings you back to an earlier screen. If you click "B" and there is no zip, that means there is no screen to go back to. When you are trying to move in a direction that you can't, you will hear a short "bump" sound. When you enter or exit buildings, you will hear a sound that sounds like opening a door.

Nuvema Town: Meet your Rivals

The music will change from the piano melody to a new song. You are in your room. Your rival, Cheren, is talking to you. He is excited because today you will be picking your first Pokemon. Cheren is a young man who wears glasses, a blue suit, and has black hair. Click "A" until you hear the music shift again. The song is now more upbeat. Your rival, Bianca, has entered the room. Bianca is a young woman with blond hair, green hat, and orange and white outfit. She says you should be allowed to pick your Pokemon first. The Pokemon are right in front of you, but you cannot move until you finish going through your rival's dialogue. Click "A" until you no longer hear the confirmation sound. Click "Down" one time. If you click "Down" again you will hear the bump sound. Click "A" again to open the box of Pokemon. Click "A" until you hear a small twinkling sound. You will also hear a small rustling sound. This means that the box of Pokemon has opened.

Nuvema Town: Pick your Pokemon

After you open the box of Pokemon, click any button to hover over Tepig, who is in the middle of the three options. You will hear a sound that sounds like a short squeal. This is Tepig's cry. Tepig is an orange fire type pig Pokemon. If you click left from Tepig, you will hear a high pitched squeak. This is Snivy's cry. Snivy is a green grass snake Pokemon. If you click right from Tepig, you will hear a noise with a few clicks. This is Oshawott's cry. Oshawott is a blue and white water otter Pokemon. The order of the Pokemon is Snivy on the left, Tepig in the middle, and Oshawott on the right. Click "A" to select a Pokemon. Then click "A" again to confirm. If you do not want to confirm, click "B." Once you select your Pokemon, the music will change to a quick victory jingle before continuing. Click "A" until you hear the music change once again. Your rivals have selected their Pokemon. The new song that begins is the Pokemon Trainer Battle Music. Bianca is challenging you to a Pokemon Battle.

Nuvema Town: Battle Your Rivals

Bianca's Pokemon will be the starter that has a type disadvantage against yours. Click "A" to fight. You will hear a sound on the left side for when your opponents's Pokemon attacks you, and you will hear a sound on the right side for when you attack your opponent. If you hear a crashing sound on the right side, you are using a move that does damange. If you hear a sound that sounds like it is descending notes, you are using a move that decreases one of your opponent's Pokemon's stats. Use the left and right arrow keys to switch between moves. If you are clicking A and you do not hear any of these sounds, you may be on the wrong screen. Click B until you no longer hear the zip sound. Then click left until you no longer hear the "click" sound. Then click up. You should be hovering on the "fight" button now. After the battle with Bianca you will hear the music shift once again. You are back in your room, and it is now messy because of the Pokemon battle. Keep clicking "A" until you hear an ascending "pop" sound. This is the sound of Cheren healing your Pokemon. You will hear this sound twice. Keep clicking A until you hear the Trainer Battle Music start again. Now you are battling Cheren. Cheren will have the Pokemon that has a super effective type against yours. Click "A" to fight. This fight will be similar to the fight against Bianca. When the battle is over the music will return to the original upbeat song. Cheren is talking about his satisifed feelings as he is finally a trainer. Keep clicking A untili the music changes once again. Now the music should be slower paced and more serene. This is because your rivals have gone downstairs.

Nuvema Town: Your House and Mom Scene

You are on the second floor of your house. To go down the stairs click the "right" button 4 times. Then click the "up" button until you hear the "bump" sound. Then click the "right" button again. As you desend the stairs, you will hear a the sound that plays when you enter a building. You are now downstairs. Keep clicking "A." Cheren and Bianca are apologizing to your mom for making a mess of your room from the Pokemon battle. Your mom reminds the three of you that you are trying to find professor Juniper. Cheren is headed to the research lab. Bianca needs to go home first. You will hear the sound of Bianca and Cheren exiting the building. The music will change. It will sound more upbeat. Your mom is now talking to you about how wonderful Pokemon Battles are. She heals your Pokemon. You will hear a 5 note jingle. Whenever you hear these 5 notes, it means your Pokemon have been healed. Keep clicking "A." You will hear another new jingle. Your mom has given you the Xtransceiver. The Xtransceiver is basically a smartwatch or cellphone. Keep clicking "A" until it no longer makes the high pitched sound. This means the dialogue with your mom has ended. The music will change once again back to the original, slower song. You can now leave your house. Click "down" until you hear the bump sound. Click "right" 3 times. Click "down" two more times. You will hear the building exiting sound. If you do not hear that sound, that means you are still in your house. Use the bump sound to help you explore and navigate to look for the door.

Nuvema Town: On Your Way to Bianca's House

Before you can meet professor Juniper, you have to go to Bianca's house. Go down until you hear the bump sound. Then go left 6 spaces. Then go up until you hear the door opening sound. If you hear the bump sound when you go up, you may be bumping into Bianca's house but not the door. Use the bump sound to help you navigate towards the door. If you no longer hear the bump sound, you have missed her house. After you enter her house you will hear a sound that sounds a bit like a "boing." Click "A" and and you will hear the high pitched confirmation sound. Bianca's dad is yelling at her. Bianca is trying to convince him to let her go on a Pokemon journey. Keep clicking A through her dialogue. Bianca will eventually leave, telling you that everything is fine. You will hear the building exit sound. Go down and you will exit her house.

Nuvema Town: On Your Way to meet Professor Juniper

You are now outside Bianca's house. Professor Juniper's lab is above you, but you have to get around Bianca's house. Go left until you hear the bump sound. Then go up until you hear the bump sound. You are now in a small alley to the left of the lab. If you try to go left or right, you will hear a bump sound. Take four steps down and click right. If you hear the bump sound immediately, take one more step down. Click right again. You will take a few steps before hearing a bump sound. You are bumping into Bianca. Take one step down. Take another step down. You should hear the bump sound immediately. Take two steps to the right. Take one step up. You should be bumping into Cheren. Click "A" two times. The door should open and the music should change once again. You are now in Professor Juniper's lab. If you hear the confirmation sound but you do not hear the door open and a new cutscene begin, you have talked to Bianca. She is asking you to keep her dad yelling at her a secret. Click right, then up, then Click "A" two times again. If you clicked "A" and you did not hear the confirmation sound, you may be bumping into the building. Try clicking left and "A" in case you passed Cheren.

Nuvema Town: Professor Juniper's Lab

Click A through the dialogue. Once you hear the confirmation click 11 times, you will hear a different sound when you click A. This is Professor Juniper asking if you want to nickname your Pokemon. If you do not want to nickname your Pokemon, click start then A. If you do want to nickname your Pokemon, by default, you will be hovering over "A". The letters go in alphabetical order starting from left to right. If you click "right" 9 times, you will be hovering over "J". If you click "down" one time, you will be hovering over "K." If you click "down" 2 times you will be hovering over "U." Keep clicking A. Professor Juniper is introducing herself. She researchers how and when Pokemon came into existence. She tells you that your Pokemon already trust you all. Cheren guesses that she needs all of your help to fill out the Pokedex. The Pokedex records all the Pokemon you encounter. She wants you to help her collect data on all the Pokemon out there. Eventually you will hear a happy jingle. This sound means you have received your Pokedex. Keep clicking A. Professor Juniper wants you to meet her on Route 1. Once you stop hearing the high pitched confirmation sound, this means you have exited the dialogue. Exit the lab by clicking down until you hear the building exit sound.

Nuvema Town: Leaving Nuvema Town

After you exit the building, you have entered more dialogue. Your mom is outside waiting for you. Click "A" through the dialogue. You will hear the new item jingle. She has brought all of you a town map. She goes home. Cheren and Bianca head to route 1. They do not take you with them though! Once you click A and no longer hear the confirmation sound, you are free to move now. Go right until you hear the "bump" noise. Then go up. You should hear the music change to an upbeat song. Bianca wants the three of you to all take your first steps of your new journey together.

Route 1

The music will change once more. It sounds like a cheerful, bright song. This is route 1's music. It will play whenever you are on route 1. You are now on Route 1. You are walking with Cheren and Bianca. Keep clicking "A" until the music changes again. You will hear a more tense song begin. Professor Juniper is showing the three of you how to catch a Pokemon. The first Pokemon cry you hear will be the wild Patrat. The second cry you hear will be Professor Juniper's Minccino. You do not have to click anything through the tutorial. Mincinno will pound the Patrat then Juniper will throw a Pokeball and catch the Patrat. You will hear the music change to the victory song after she succeeds in catching the Patrat. The music will fade out back to the route 1 music. Keep clicking A. Professor Juniper tells you that Pokemon are easier to catch if you weaken them by hitting them or by doing a status move. Then she gives you the Pokeballs. You will hear a small jingle. Then professor Juniper walks off. Bianca suggests a competition where the individual who catches the most Pokemon on route 1 "wins." There is no prize. They walk off. You will know dialogue has ended when you click "A" and no longer hear the confirm sound. You can now move. The straightest path to Accumula town is walking up until you hear the bump sound. Then, take two steps to the right and continue to go up. Eventually, Bianca will stop you. You will know if Bianca stopped you if you click "A" and hear the confirm sound. This means Bianca is talking to you. She asks you if you want to compare how many Pokemon you all caught. Keep clicking A until you hear a new sound, that sounds like a phone ring tone. Professor Juniper has called your phone. You all decide to meet in front of the Pokemon center in Accumula Town.

Route 1: Wild Pokemon Encounters

There are only 2 wild Pokemon on route 1. The first is Patrat, the normal type pokemon that looks like a merekat. It's cry sounds like a small squeak followed by a confused chirp. The second option is Lillipup. It's cry sounds like 2 short barks. You will hear the song changes to a more tense song when you enter a battle with a wild Pokemon. The opposing Pokemon will cry out first, then your Pokemon will cry out. If you want to battle, click "A" after hearing your Pokemon's cry. If you want to run, click down then right after your Pokemon's cry. If you ran successfully, you will hear a sweeping sound.

Accumula Town

If you go straight up and a bit right from Nuevma town, you will be in Accumla town. You will know you've entered Accumla town because the music will fade out into a new song. The song sounds like it uses woodwinds and bass guitar. It is also a cheerful song. This is the theme of Accumula Town.

Accumula Town: Pokemon Center

The Pokemon center is up and to the right from the entrance of town. Professor Juniper is waiting in front of the Pokemon Center. You need to talk to Professor Juniper. Once you hear the Accumla town music start, go to the right until you hear the bump sound. Then go up until you hear the bump sound. Then go right until you hear the bump sound. Click "A" to see if any dialogue starts. If no dialogue starts, try taking small steps down, left, right, and up until you find Professor Juniper. Once you find her and start the dialogue by clicking A, a new song will start. This song sounds playful. Keep clicking A. She takes you into the Pokemon Center and explains that they will heal your Pokemon. The music will change again to the Pokemon Center music. Click up until you hear the bump sound, which should be immediately. Then click A. Keep clicking A. You will hear the Healing Pokemon Jingle. Keep clicking A. Then you will hear the music change back to the playful song. Then Professor Juniper leads you to the PC. You can store your Pokemon in the PC. When you have more than 6 Pokemon in your party, the newest one you catch will automatically be sent to the PC. Then Professor Juniper shows you the Poke Mart, which is also inside the Poke center. You can buy items at the Poke Mart. The last thing she tells you is when you get to Striaton City, go meet an inventor named Fennel. Then Professor Juniper leaves. You will know she left because the song returns back to the Pokemon Center song.

End of Tutorial

Congrats! You have now finished the Pokemon Black and White tutorial. The rest of the game opens up a bit more and is harder to give specific directions to get through. Have fun exploring!